Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Impact of Economic Dependency of Jambi Province to Unrenewable Natural Resources

Budi Kurniawan. Impact of Economic Dependency of Jambi Province to Unrenewable Natural Resources (Implementation of Coal Export Quota).

This research aims to examine impact of economic dependency of jambi province to unrenewable natural resources.Related to implementation of coal export quota as implementation of Act.Number 4 year 2009 about mineral and coal mining,this research aims to explore alternative solutions to maintain economic performance of jambi province.Data was obtained from input output table of jambi province year 2007.Research shows that implementation of coal extra quota would decrease growth rate of jambi province.Conversion of coal extra production caused by coal export quota into raw material of electricity and development of key sectors would be alternative solution to maintain economic performance of jambi province.

Keywords : unrenewable natural resources,export quota,input output model

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